Most man camps are spartan, with very little comfort. With our customized accommodation modules, we can create a community that fits your needs AND brings you all the comforts of living in town. These are not your typical man camps.
When you order container housing for your work camp, we start asking the questions. Do you need sleeping accommodation modules? Do you need field labs? Do you need industrial modules? We can customize our modular housing based upon what you require, and for a cost that will fit your budget.
Setting up a work camp can be a time-consuming difficult task. Building the sheds, cabins, temporary buildings, and structures from scratch takes away time your crew could be spending elsewhere. Container housing and accommodation modules can make putting together your man camp quick and easy.
Our modular housing units are built to order. We customize them to your need, whether you are creating a work camp, temporary housing, or field labs. Ready to learn more about how we can help you? Call our Yakima office today!